
UV Absorbing Protective Safety Glasses (Pack of 6)

Prix de vente$370.44
Brochure User manual

UV-absorbing protective safety glasses are an essential accessory when working with ultraviolet lights.  UV safety glasses are ANSI Z87+U6 and CE EN166 Certified. The UV-absorbing material in the UVS-30 UV absorbing protective safety glasses meets OSHA 1910.133 for eye and face protection and protects against 99.9% of Ultraviolet (UV) Light. Similar model UVS-20 UV safety glasses. Similar model UVS-40 UV absorbing fluorescence enhancing protective safety glasses.  Make sure to protect your eyes with our CE approved safety glasses. 

(6 PACK) The price Per Unit is $42.00


P/N: UVS-30 ( 6 PACK )