New Products From Spectro-UV


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4 products

Nano Series IDX-350 UV-A FlashlightNano Series IDX-350 UV-A Flashlight
Nano Series IDX-350 UV-A Flashlight IDX-350
Intensity - 8,000 μW/cm2 @ 15 inches Portable and Practical Ultra-...
Sale price$145.00
Nano 365 IDX-550 UV Flashlightuv flashlight
Nano 365 IDX-550 UV Flashlight IDX-550
UV-A intensity range: 9000 µW/cm2 at 15" (38cm) Portable and Rugge...
Sale price$425.00
uVision™ Deluxe Series Blacklight Lamp KituVision 365 Deluxe Series LED 365nm Ultraviolet UV-A Blacklight Lamp Kit with UV-A Pass Filters and Battery Pack
uVision™ Deluxe Series Blacklight Lamp Kit UV-365MHC
UV-A Intensity Range: 6000µW/cm2 at 15"(38cm). Lightweight, IP 65 R...
Sale price$2,625.00
PowerMAX UV-A LED Panel Flood LampFlood Lamp
PowerMAX UV-A LED Panel Flood Lamp PM-8B
UV-A Intensity Range: 6500µW/cm2 at 15"(38cm).  The P...
Sale price$1,750.00