
AccuMAX™ Luminance Sensor Detector

Sale price£455.26
Brochure User manual

The XS-555/L sensor measures at 555nm, making it a valuable add-on for AccuMAX™ Series Radiometer/Photometer models XR-1000, XRP-3000, and XRP-3000A.

The perfect accessory for the AccuMAX Series meter. Ideal for technicians 
performing radiographic examinations. Meets ASTM E1742 standard. 
The AccuMAX XS-555/L luminance sensor detector measures the brightness 
of a visible light source and, unlike many competitive units, allows the user the 
choice of displaying the results in three distinct units of measure: candelas per 
square meter (cd/m2), candelas per square foot (cd/ft2) and footlamberts (fL).

Height 3.2 in (8.1 cm)
Length 3.0 in (7.6 cm)
Width 2.1 in (5.3 cm)
Weight 6.4 oz (181 g)

Luminance Range 
0 - 1,000,000 cd/m2
0 - 90,000 cd/ft2
0 - 285,000 fL

Made in USA

Models: XS-555L - AccuMAX™ Luminance Sensor Detector (555 nm)
