Vivid UV-A Replacement Bulb

Цена по акции$1,145.32
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For SB-100P and FC-100 series lamps

BLE-LED-100 is perfect for use in any nondestructive evaluation or specialty application that requires LED ultraviolet (UV-A) blacklight light. Convert your mercury vapor hid lamp to modern led technology with Vivid™, the world’s best UV-A LED replacement bulb for fluorescent inspection.

What makes BLE-LED-100 different from our other models?

  • Drop-in replacement bulb for SB-100P and FC-100 Series lamps
  • Replaces 100S/M and 100S/M HID bulbs

Similar model BLE-LED-150

Nominal Steady-State UV-A Intensity at 4700 uW/cm2
UV-A Coverage Area: 6.5 in (16.5 cm)

P/N: BLE-LED-100