Opti-Lux™ Blacklight Flashlight Kit

Цена по акции$620.01
Brochure Intensity profiles User manual

UV-A Intensity Range: 4500µW/cm2 at 15"(38cm).

Opti-Lux™ 365 Series blacklight inspection flashlights such as OLX-365FL feature a powerful 365nm Ultraviolet (UV-A) LED light source coupled with a rugged anodized lamp body. They reduce user fatigue while providing an extremely uniform beam profile that surpasses those of more expensive lamps. Available in four models to suit your specific NDT needs: high-intensity or standard-intensity versions, each with or without an internal UV-A pass filter. 

What makes OLX-365FL different from our other models?

  • Standard Intensity model
  • Clear filter

Similar model OLX-365 blacklight flashlight Kit
Similar model OLX-365B blacklight flashlight kit with pass filter
Similar model OLX-365BFL blacklight flashlight kit with pass filter

Nominal Steady-State UV-A Intensity at 4500 uW/cm2
UV-A Coverage Area: 3.25 in (8.3 cm)
Visible Light Measurement: 0.3 foot-candles (3.2 lux)

Model & Plug Type: OLX-365FL - USA (Type A/B)

Model & Plug Type